Upcoming Events

September 14, 2024 | Victoria, B.C.

The debate around gender identity, kids, and women's rights has been raging in the public sphere, yet Canada has continued to ignore the concerns brought forward by medical professionals, parents, and women.

The world has at last caught on to danger gender identity ideology poses to kids, as "gender medicine" has been revealed to be experimental, dangerous, and rushed — pushed on minors who don't understand the consequences and can't consent to the destruction of their bodies and futures. The WPATH Files in the US and the Cass Report in the UK made this undeniably clear, yet the Canadian government has refused limit puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and related surgeries for minors.

Moreover, a debate is raging in the public sphere about males competing as "female" in sport, from the amateur level all the way up to the Olympics. Can we save women's sport? Can we have these conversations in Canada? Can Canadians, at last, be heard on these issues?

On Saturday, September 14th, Vancouver Island Speaks! returns to B.C.'s capital to have the conversation the Canadian media, government, and progressives refuse to have. For years, many of us have fought to have these conversations and been cancelled, censored, threatened, libeled, and protested at every turn. But when kids' lives, women's rights, our free speech, and the truth is at stake, we cannot allow our voices to be silenced.

Please join us for this important discussion in Victoria, B.C.

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