Vancouver Island Speaks

Past Events


October 1st, 2023

Our first panel and Q&A discussing gender identity ideology, women's spaces, and parental rights was initially scheduled to be held in Nanaimo, BC, but the venue owners cancelled, fearing "business suicide" on account of harassment and libel from activists in the area.

We were very lucky to secure another venue last minute at the Saltair Community Center in Ladysmith, which also received a barrage of emails threatening, harassing and bullying them. Hall managers also discovered the front of the hall had been vandalized the night before our event. The venue filed a report with the RCMP, but thankfully did not to cancel us.

We even invited some activist protesters inside for a chat…


October 4th, 2024

Due to the success of our first event, we programmed a follow up discussion at the Cowichan Community Centre shortly afterwards. However, on Monday, October 2nd, we received an email from them cancelling our booking. Undeterred, we moved our event to the Parksville Community Centre.

Speakers included Meghan Murphy, Bryony Dixonand Serena Winterburn — plus amazing contributions from the local folks who joined us for this respectful conversation.

Click on the image to watch the entire panel + Q&A.


May 30st, 2024

“Vancouver Island Speaks: Women’s spaces, parental rights, and protecting kids” was organized by just a few local women, and was supported by local donors and volunteers.

Those of us who are connection to the Vancouver Island community, who spend time with regular working class people and families, and of course who are engaged in the fight to protect the spaces and rights of women and girls know how desperately these conversations are needed and desired.

This event featured talks by April Hutchinson, Bryony Dixon, and Kellie-Lynn Pirie, and was moderated by April Kitzul. For footage of the full event and Q&A, follow this link and click here to see Rebel News coverage of the evening.

Artwork: Kristopher Maya


June 8th, 2024

Our planned October 2023 event at the Cowichan Community Centre (CCC) was cancelled on account of intense pressure and bullying from local activists who claimed we would engage in “hate speech”.

We were told that the B.C. Human Rights Code determined the speech we had not yet spoken was essentially illegal in Canada. This was not true of course, and we pushed back, with the help of our wonderful legal team at The Democracy Fund.

On Friday, May 31, after months of exchanging letters back and forth, the CCC informed us they had decided to allow us to book for June 8, 2024. We were thrilled, and hustled to put something together. Click on the image to watch the entire event.